Styling photo in the press, another craft of fashion jobs. To create a universe, set up an atmosphere, tell a story such is the work of the stylist in the fashion media. The artistic and commercial teams work together to offer readers of fashion magazines a selection of products adapted to a season, a theme, and a strong trend. During past few weeks, ISAL PARIS students worked closely with international students from a photography school (SPEOS PARIS) as well as students from a make-up and hairdressing school (ITM PARIS) in order to offer high-quality work. Immersion in a professional...
Discovering the new collections of the season, becoming familiar with the French and international brands, seeking inspiration from new trends is a constant work for fashion students. The research and collect informations work allows each student to stir up his imagination and affirm his personal universe. At Paris Fashion Week Autumn - Winter 2018, students from ISAL Paris had the opportunity to discover the extraordinary world of fashion in Paris. During the week, the students were given the task of identifying various actors involved in the profession as well as making streetlooks in front of the podiums. In order...